The Atlas

In 2013 we published the first every Cornish mammal atlas "The Mammals of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly".
We began by working towards filling in some of the gaps in Cornwall's mammal records through targeted surveys, appeals for records, and encouraging the collation of existing records. We also wanted to produce a book which went further than just a series of maps. So, we took the opportunity to educate and entertain anyone with an interest in natural history and encouraged them to find out about our intriguing local wildlife.
The CMG Atlas is a starting point, providing baseline data against which to measure future change, perhaps as a consequence of climate change or development.
It also gives us some ideas about how to target our survey work – where to look, and what to look for. Not only with the more established methods of traps and binoculars; but also exploring novel approaches such as tracking tunnels and trail cameras, encouraging community recording, and searching for old records amongst the files and libraries of other organisations.
We will be content if the reader enjoys this book, we will be happy if they choose to learn more about our local mammals, we will be delighted if they send in records, and of course, we will be overjoyed if they join the Cornwall Mammal Group and help us produce the next edition!
Stocks are running low so contact us if you would like a copy. You can read some of the species accounts on our website.
Plans are already afoot to update the Atlas – so watch this space….