Tremough and Reservoir BioBlitz

CMG joined Ecosoc and other students from Tremough on their annual Bioblitz - this time surveying both Tremough and the local reservoirs Argal & College. A huge thunderstorm at the beginning of the event didn't deter our spirits and we still found lots of mammals. Tremough had 5 species of small mammals in the longworths - including a water shrew! At Argal a lone bank vole was found in the traps and badgers were detected by our camera traps. We also got to see a soprano pippistrelle up close when Cornwall Bat Group came to monitor their bat boxes around College. Finally, we had a go at owl pellet dissection - another really interesting way of monitoring small mammals! All in all a great number of species were counted, with over 470 in total at Tremough and over 340 at the reservoirs!