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AMG Business:

The committee were re elected, with Sarah Hodge continuing as chair, Kate Hills as Vice Chair, Kelly Moyes as Treasurer, Simon Richardson as Secretary, Steve Adams as Member Secretary, Amy Campbell as Social Media Officer, Peter Cooper as EcoSoc Liason, Katie Bickerton as Website Administrator and welcoming our new committee member Gemma Haggar.

Treasurer's Report showed an income of £1100 and outcome of £404.60, end of statament balance of £6865.21.

Over the last year, the main achievements were our new website with online mammal atlas and the discovery of true polecats in the county. We'd also like to congratulate Vic Simpson on the Mammal Society recognising his fantastic work.

Guest Speaker:

Academic Nick Tregenza of the University of Exeter gave a fantastic talk on cetacean strandings in Cornwall. He also talked about his work on acoustic monitoring and effects of noise pollution on cetacean echolocation.

Thanks to Nick Tregenza for his fantastic talk, Mary Groves for the cooking and refreshments, everyone that provided cakes and biscuits, and of course everyone that attended, here's to another brilliant year!

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