What To reCord:



25 APR 2016

Leave scats (droppings) around territory. 5-20cm long, spirally twisted, strong musty smell. Often contain fur, insect remains, bones or seeds. Mark territory with urine.
Prints similar to small dog but narrower and two front pads closer together.
Dens often excavated old badger or rabbit burrows, tunnel several meteres, ends in sleeping chamber. Strong musty remains, prey remains around entrance. Urban: dens in old buildings or under garden sheds. Out of mating season, animals may lie above ground in dense cover.
Any sightings of mammals - live or dead (including road kill)
Any distinctive signs such as droppings, tracks, burrows, nests, molehills etc.
Any mammals heard or detected through call e.g. bats
Any found using traps such as Longworth traps
If possible:
How many?
Male or female?
Life stage - fully grown or young?

© Paul Diamond

The map shows priority areas where there are a lack of records. (Not outlined in red).
Having a grid reference is very helpful, these apps are available free for Smartphones:
for Apple and Android
for Windows Phone
Date of sighting
This is needed in case there are any queries.